Home - Wedding Accessories - Table plans for weddings / wedding seating plan

Table plans for weddings / wedding seating plan

Table plans for weddings / wedding seating plan
wedding table plan in black picture frame brushed silver Brushed gold frame
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Your Wedding Seating Plan mount and frame - a must have accessory whatever the event or celebration. Table plans for weddings, are a great touch as well as letting everyone know where to sit.

The mount size is 20x24 inch (50.8cm x 60.91cm). It's a double mount so you can easily colour co-ordinate if you want. Select the type and number of apertures you require. 1 Aperture = 1 table, each aperture will usually hold about 10 names

All the table apertures are centrally alligned with a Top Table aperture at the top.

Please let us know in the comments box if you will have more people per table. Please see the detailed images for the different coloured frames available - black, brushed gold and brushed silver.  Mount colour chart.
This does not come fitted with glass or perspex
C1 - 4x(8x8) multi photo frames
I2 - 3(8x8) multi aperture mount
X1 - 1(10x8)+2(7x5) multi aperture mount
V3 2x(10x7) Multi photo frames mount
W1 4x(5x4) multi aperture mount
J1 1x(15x12)+2x(8x6) multi aperture mount
Q1 3x(7x5) Multi Aperture photo frame mount
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